Watch PropertyDevelopment Opportunity, Land Opposite Former Royal Jubilee Arms Hotel, Dykehead DD8 4QN

Plot - Offers Over £150,000

Property Description

Planning approval for the erection of 3 detached dwellings with good sized garden plots Angus Council Ref: 20/00156/PPPL

  • Development Oppor
  • Planning Approval
  • 3 Detached Dwellings
  • Generous Plots
  • Near to Kirriemuir
  • Rural Hamlet
  • Gateway to Glens
  • Tenure: Freehold
  • TSPC Ref: 131431
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KirriemuirKirriemuir, or "Kirrie" as it's often referred to, is the gateway to the glens of Angus, where Munro baggers have 10 to tick off on their list.
Appropriately, the family estate of Sir Hugh Munro is nearby. It was, of course, Sir Hugh who is recalled by anyone working their way through the full range of mountain tops over 3000 feet.
The Angus town's winding streets and subtle red sandstone properties would have been familiar to JM Barrie, whose childhood home is now a museum to the Peter Pan author, with the 17th Century former Town House also a museum.
Another one-time resident, Bon Scott, lead singer with Aussie rock band AC/DC, is remembered fondly with a statue encouraging "selfies" for fans drawn from all over the world.
But homebuyers are more likely to be attracted by a range of modern day facilities, with Webster's High School the secondary for "Kirrie" and the surrounding area.

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