09 October 2017
IT was seven years ago that the “Prestigious Property” section was first introduced to this ever popular bi-weekly Property Guide.
It immediately struck a chord with sellers keen to profile their homes and this niche marketing tool continues to tempt would-be buyers to zero in on this particular section of the guide - and also the busy TSPC website.
“Prestigious Properties” feature prominently in the Whitehall Crescent Centre window monitors, attracting the eye of passers-by.
Lynne Hill, the experienced TSPC manager, recalled: “Back in 2010 the concept was to provide scope at the front of the Guide for a range of properties in the £350,000-plus bracket. It has proved very popular with sellers down the years.
“Crucially, we know that the section in the Guide and on our website dedicated to ‘Prestigious Homes’ generates interest from potential purchasers, whether in person at the Centre or browsing the Guide and the website via their computers or mobile phones.”
Lynne added: “Ever since the launch of the ‘Prestigious Homes’ element the number of hits on properties being profiled has been increasing significantly. That is especially encouraging for sellers opting to give their homes the best possible profile.”
Experience at the TSPC has shown that profiling properties in this segment of the high profile Guide has proved cost effective for sellers across Dundee, Angus and north Fife.
"We continue to attract a wide range of family homes valued at more than £350,000 to this section of the Guide and website," confirmed Lynne.
"In the Guide there is scope for two additional photographs and, crucially, the bigger property picture which shows off all sorts of homes to the maximum effect. House hunters can visit our website and a simple click of the mouse brings up the photographs on screen."
*If you would like your property to be included within this section contact your solicitor or the TSPC for further details.