Want To Sell Your Home Fast? Here's Our Top Tips!
10 March 2022
First impressions count!
Buyers often make their minds up about a property within minutes, sometimes without getting in the door! So, making sure your home’s exterior has the wow factor is important and can help make a great first impression for potential buyers!
Staging your home!
Think about how potential buyers might want to use your home and show case how it could work for them.
Home staging can make a massive difference to your property and how viewers see it and visualise themselves living in it
The temperature of your property during a viewing can have an impact on what potential buyers think about it.
It may seem obvious but, it’s a good idea to not have your house too hot or too cold. It can make buyers uncomfortable and question if they will enjoy living in a property throughout the 4 seasons of the year.
Align your property’s description and viewings
If your property is advertised as having three bedrooms but one is currently being used as a home office, consider changing it back for the viewings as the idea of having three bedrooms may be a key element to potential buyers.
This also makes it easy for buyers to visualise how they will use your home if they decide to buy it.
Neutralise décor
We know you may love your bright and funky décor, and that’s great! However, extremely personalised décor can be off putting for potential buyers as they may prefer a more minimalist vibe. We aren’t suggesting you paint your whole house white, however, consider neutral lighting that won’t distract viewers from the space on offer.
Freshen up carpets
Stained carpets will immediately put off potential buyers, as they know they will have to spend money on either replacing them or cleaning them as soon as they move in.
If your carpets are dirty, you can consider bringing in a professional carpet cleaner or if they are extremely worn beyond repair, consider replacing them as it could have a positive effect on potential bids on your home.
The kitchen is the heart of the home!
The kitchen is a very important room, especially for potential buyers. Obviously, fitting a new kitchen will be pricey, so if you are planning to do so before selling your property make sure it will increase your homes value. If you are not in a position to replace your kitchen, consider new worktops to freshen the place up or maybe paint your cupboards to give them some new life.
Cleanliness is key
A houses cleanliness is a focus point for potential buyers. An unclean home will come across as an uncared-for property, resulting in buyers questioning if there are other issues that have been left un-rectified.
Deep cleaning the rooms that can become the dirtiest such as the kitchen and bathroom can make a big difference in your home’s appearance.